Adult Show Results (2008-2017)
Riga 6. september
S N Ch Fidel Andalucia
was BOB at the poodlespeciality and the Int. show, where she also was Best poodle with her BIG 3. Both days under breed-specialists.
Trønderfestivalen 30. august
At the Latvian poodleclub`s main show the father of my white toypuppies "Krk" and "Rijeca" Int Multi Ch Snow Blues Iz Russkogo Dvora became Best in Show! Bello`s Serbian son (Jasenak) was BIS puppy-2, Bello`s Russian son was BOS and won junior CAC,
Drammen 30. august
Fidel Spirit In The Sky
vant cert og BIM. Dommer var Michael Forte, Irland. Gratulerer til eier Grete Fossum.😀
Juniortispen Fidel Chiara vant cert og BIM for rasespesialist Francesco Cochetti, Italia. Handlet av Sine, klippet av Lida denne gang. Eier er Thea Linkjendal.
The juniorbitch
Fidel Chiara
won CC and BOS under breedspecialist Francesco Cochetti, Italy. Handler was Sine, groomer this time was Lida Prokofjeva and owner is Thea Linkjendal.
Drammen 29. august
På Dalmatinerklubbens utst. vant toyhannen Fidel Holy Spirit cert og BIR. Han ble da Norsk Champion første helgen etter fylte 2 år. Dommer var rasespesialist Francesco Cochetti, Italia.
Mellomen juniorhannen Fidel c/o Piqou vant cert og ble BIM for dommer Antonio Di Lorenzo. Handlet av Sine, klippet av Lida og stolte eiere er Kari Martinsen og Elisabeth Engemoen.
The min. juniormale Fidel c/o Piqou won the CC and BOS under Antonio Di Lorenzo, Italy. Handler was Sine, groomer Lida Prokofjeva, and proud owners are Kari Martinsen and Elisabeth Engemoen.
Finland 16. august
Fidel Firefly
vant nok et cert og BIR igjen. Dommer var Antonio Di Lorenzo, Italia.
Også neste dag ble det cert og Beste tispe, men slått av kennelkompis i BIRet.
Russland 16. august
Bello-children won again!
Bello-daughter in Finland: Haydee`s Salina was BOB.
NKK Bjerke 16. august
Bello-son in Russia:
Juvelir ot Gospozhi Paninoy
was BOB.
N S Ch Fidel Andalucia
won CACIB, BOB and was Best in Group - 4
The judge for dwarves and mins was John Reeve Newson, America.
The min. junior Fidel Cara Piqouette won the CC and was 2. Best bitch.
The young dwarf
Fidel Buyer On Fire
(Spitfire/YokoOno) won his class
The junior-bitch
Fidel Chiara
(photo) won CC and BOS.
15. august
The young toybitch
Fidel Firefly
and BOS. 2. Best bitch was was the junior Fidel Fire In Focus. 3. Best bitch was the brown junior Fidel Fire Up. 4. Best bitch was the young Marielle Born To Run. They are all sired by
Multi Ch Fidel Spitfire!
The judge was Dan Ericsson, Sweden.
8. august
Int Multi Ch Fidel Berlin
was Best In Show again this weekend. The breed judge was Grita Jonielene, Lithuania. For group Dmitry Prozorov, Russia and for BIS - Jekaterina Senashenko, Russia.
Russland 2. august
I dag vant flere Bello-barn igjen. I Russland ble en junior BIG 3 og Junior BIS 3 alle raser. Søskenpar i Finland tok begge certene, hannen ble BIM.
Today Bello-children won again! In Russia a junior was placed BIG 3 and was Junior BIS 3 all breeds. Sieblings in Finland won both the CCs, and the male was also BOS.
Råde 25. juli
At the National all breed show in Russia the son of Spitfire Kolobok Iz Severnoy Imperii won again JCAC, BOB and was BIS junior all breeds & BIG-1!!! Congratulations to owner/breeder Antonina Kolesova.
Tvååker 10.-11. July
På Moss og Omegns utst. i Råde vant toytispen Fidel Fire In Focus (Spitfire/ NordCh Fidel Yatzy) sitt første cert og ble BIR. Nydelig klippet av medeier Wenche Lassem På samme utst. debuterte mellomtispen Fidel Cara Piqouette (NCh FidelCayman/ Kira-Be`s Rosalita). Hun også med cert og BIR. Gratulerer til eierne Morten Ringsrud og Øivind Ødemotsland! Dommer for begge var Inger Ronander.
At the show in Råde our toybitch Fidel Fire In Focus won her first CC and also become BOB. Beatifully groomed by co-owner Wenche Lassem. At the same show the min.bitch Fidel Cara Piqouette made her debut and also took it to the top. Judge for both breeds was Inger Ronander.
Int show i Riga, Latvia
Fidel Andalucia
made again her days in Sweden! At the Nat. show she won CC and BOB under breed-specialist Tiina Taulos. Next day at the Int. show she gained her Swedish and Norwegian ch.-titles winning CC, CACIB and BOB. This was under the Danish breed-specialist Lene Kildeborg Jacobsen. Lucy ended this splendid weekend placed second in the Group with hard competitors.
Handled by co-owner Åge Gjetnes and groomed by breeder.
Vålerbanen 4./5. juli
Int Multi Ch Fidel Berlin
ble BIS 3 på Int. utst. i Riga.
Int Multi Ch Fidel Berlin
was placed
as number 3 on the Best in Show-line at Int. show in Riga.
Våler 4. juli
Mellomtispen Fidel Bernice (Bello/Vette) vant sitt første og andre cert og ble BIM begge dager i Våler. Dommere var Harry Tast 1. dagen og Roberto Schill andre. Gratulerer til eier Liv Stokman 😀
The min.bitch Fidel Bernice won her first and second CC and was BOS both days at the show on Vålerbanen. The judge 1. day was Harry Tast, 2. day Roberto Schill.
Dverghannen Fidel Buyer On Fire (Spit/Yoko) vant sitt første cert og ble BIR. Dommer var Harry Tast. Gratulerer til fam. Frydenlund 😀
The dwarf male Fidel Buyer On Fire won his first CC and was BOB. The judge was Harry Tast.
Hviterussland 20. og 21. juni/ Belorussia
Fidel Fire Up
(Spit/Pin Up) vant cert og BIR igjen. Dommer var Atilla Keminen.
The toybitch Fidel Fire Up won CC and BOB again. The judge was Atilla Keminen.
Int show in Estonia
became BOB and Belorussian champion at two shows and BIS-5 in one of them. J Ch Fidel Napoleon was BOB on first day, junior Belorussian champion and BIS-3 on second day. Blues was BOB on second day, Belorussian champion and BIG-5. Bello-daughter Aelita was BOS on both shows and got cac. Today in Russia Bello-son also did well at the show , he was BIS-1 puppy at all breed show.
NPK Drammen 7.juni. Judge: Stephen Wheeler
2. day "Bello"was BOB, BIG-3. White toy "
" was BOB. Bello-daughter "Ezhevika"won CC, CACIB, BOS and became Latvian champion! (photo)
Multi Ch Fidel Berlin won BOB and Group 5 at first day.
won the CC, BOB and again Best in Show! Handler again today was Åge.
Fidel Fire Up
won her class again and was 2. Best bitch.
The toymale
Fidel Zic on Fire
(Multi Ch Fidel Spitfire/Ch Fidel Yoko Ono) won CC, BOS and became Norw. Champion!
The junior dwarf-bitch
Fidel Chiara
won CC and BOS. Handler was Sine. On photo with owner Thea, who won the handling-competition. 😀
NKK Drammen 6. juni. Judge: Edwina Thomas.
The junior dwarf-male
Fidel Buyer On Fire
(e. Multi Ch Fidel
Spitfire/ Ch Fidel Yoko Ono)
won his class with CK and was 3 Best male. Beautifully handled by Gro.
The junior toybitch
Fidel Fire Up
(e. Multi Ch Fidel Spitfire/NordW06 Ch Fidel Pin Up) won her first CC and BOB!
The min.bitch Fidel Andalucia won CC, CACIB, BOB and Group 2. Congratulations to owners Elsa and Åge who also was the handler!
(photo under)
Samara, Russland
Haugesund 22.mai
Ch Fidel Conclution
ble BIR i dag. Gratulerer til eierne Svanhild Kjenner og Kåre Kleivane. 🙂
Moskva 16. mai
Bello-barna vinner støtt.....The Bello-children concistently win....
His daughter
Ezhevika s Tsvetochnoy Poljani
won CACIB and BOB in Samara, Russia.
Ny Champion i Russland
Moskva 16. mai ble en kjempedag: Alexander Rybak fra Nesodden (hvor vi bor og kunde av meg) vinner Melodi Grand Prix! Tidligere på dagen vant Spitfire store russiske puddelnasjonalen. Best i Rasen og 2 Best in Show! Og valper etter Spitfire og Bello blir begge BIR valp og BIS 2 og 3. 😀 Moscow 16. of May became a superday: Alexander Rybak from Nesodden (where we live, and a customer of mine) wins Europian Song Contest! Earlier on the day Spitfire won the big Russian Poodle-nationality. Best of Breed and Runner up Best in Show!
And puppies by Spitfire and Bello become both BOB puppy and BIS 2 and 3.
Stockholm 10. april
Bello-daughter RU Ch.Ezhevika s Tsvetochnoy Poljani has become Russian Champion on 3 shows in a row, winning Best of breed all 3 times! Congratulations to owner/breeder.😀
Stavanger 5. april
Int Multi Ch
Fidel Berlin
Fidel Andalucia
ble BIM og BIR på "Lilla-Stockolm" i påsken. "Lucy" vant cert og CACIB. Dommer var Karin Bergbom, Finland. Gratulerer til eiere, klipper og handlere: Lida, Camilla, Elsa og Åge. 🙂 😀 🤩
Int. Multi Ch Fidel Berlin
Fidel Andalucia
was BOS and BOB at the Int. Easter-show in Stockholm. "Lucy", the BOB-winner, won CC and CACIB. The judge was Karin Bergbom, Finland.
Stavanger 4. april
Fidel Ruby On Fire
Ch Fidel Conclution
won BOB today. Congratulations to owners. 😀
Berit og Øistein Asheims mellomhanne Fidel Chevrolet og dverghannen Fidel Ruby til Linn E. Olsen vant begge cert og BIR i dag på "Palmeutst." Gratulerer til eierne! 😀 Asheim`s min.male Fidel Chevrolet and Linn Olsen`s dwarfmale Fidel Ruby On Fire won both CC and BOB today.
Latvia 28. mars
Berit og Øistein Asheims mellomhanne Fidel Chevrolet og dverghannen Fidel Ruby til Linn E. Olsen vant begge cert og BIR i dag på "Palmeutst." Gratulerer til eierne! 😀 Asheim`s min.male Fidel Chevrolet and Linn Olsen`s dwarfmale Fidel Ruby On Fire won both CC and BOB today.
Latvia 22. mars.
har i dag blitt Latvisk Champion.
became Latvian Champion today.
Int. Multi Ch Fidel Berlin
ble BIR og Latvisk Vinner 2009 på Int. utst. i Riga. Samme dag ble hans datter i Russland Best in Show - valp.
Kullbror til Firefly, J Ch Fidel Napole On Fire ble Beste Junior.
🙂 Int. Multi Ch. Fidel Berlin become BOB and Latvian Winner 2009 at Int. Show in Riga. At the same day one of his daughters become Best Puppy in Show in Russia. (photo over)
Litterbrother of Firefly, J Ch Fidel Napole On Fire become Best Junior. (photo under)
NKK Bergen 21. mars
Fidel Firefly
var i Bergen og vant sitt 3. cert og BIM. Dommer var Ann Ingram.
The junior-bitch Fidel Firefly won her 3. CC and BOS at Int. show under judge Ann Ingram.
Puddelklubben gruppe Vestlandet 22. mars.
Fidel Firefly
var i Bergen og vant sitt 3. cert og BIM. Dommer var Ann Ingram.
The junior-bitch Fidel Firefly won her 3. CC and BOS at Int. show under judge Ann Ingram.
Latvia 8. mars
Fidel Andalucia
ble Best in Show på puddelspesial i Bergen. Dommer var Denise Pope. Frisør og handler i rasen var "proffe" svenske Camilla. Eiere er Elsa Storesund og Åge Gjetnes.
Hennes far Ch Fidel Conclution ble Beste hanhund. Flott klippet og handlet av Elisabeth Moody. Eiere er Svanhild Kjenner og Kåre Kleivane. 🙂 Fidel Andalucia won CC, BOB and Best in Show at th poodlespeciality in Bergen. The judge was Denise Pope. Groomer and handler was the young, Swedish expert Camilla. Owners are Elsa Storesund and Åge Gjetnes.
Her father Ch Fidel Conclution became BOS. Beautifully groomed and handled by Elisabeth Moody. Owners are Svanhild Kjenner og Kåre Kleivane.
Manger - 1. mars
Int Multi Ch Fidel Berlin
wins Best in Show again at Group 9-show in Latvia. Many congratulations again to Lida.🙂
Russland - Latvia 22. feb.
Fidel Andalucia
vant cert og Best i Rasen på Manger i dag. Gratulerer til eierne Elsa og Åge.😀 Tillegg - hun ble også nr. 2 i gruppen.
Fidel Andalucia
won CC and Best of Breed at show on Manger. Congratulations to owner/handler Elsa Storesund and co-owner Åge Gjetnes.😀
And - she was also placed number 2 in the Group.
5br /
Edelweiss s Tsvetochnoy Polyani
The young Bello-children did it well on each show: On Latvian Group 9-show the male, which lives in Latvia - Edelweis s Tsvetochnoy Polyani won his first CC. At the Russian Show the female, which lives in Russia - RU J ChEzhevika s Tsvetochnoy Polyani won CC and Junior Championtitle and both become BOB.