«Upsi», Ch Fidel Fire Up.
Den søteste, snilleste, tapre lille, uheldige. Vi måtte gi tapt nå i dag. 14 1/2 år gammel.
Også en av yndlingene mine, av de utallige jeg har hatt.
Multich Fidel Poker Face
. Dwarf Of The Year twice. BIS-winner. Top-producer.
He was 10 years old when we had to let him go. He had to much pain with an earlier broken shoulder. A very special poodle - among the best. Always so showy. He was again Dwarf Of The Year -17 as veteran, and BOB at Dogs4all, also with some good Veteran placements in the big ring.
Nord Ch Fidel Yatzy
. Toytispe. Gruppevinner SKK. Gullet til Sine. En av Sines suksessfulle hunder i Juniorhandling. Yatzy var datter av Rose. Hadde ikke mange avkom, men mor til ikke mindre enn en Årets Toy i Norge Ch Fidel Fire In Focus og den enormt-vinnende Multich Fidelø Zina. Hun måtte ende sine dager i god alder i 2018. Kullsort til det siste.
Int Nord LV HRW Ch NordW-05 NVW-11-12-13-14-15-16-17 NordVW-14 FIVW-14 HEVW-14 DVW-14 EUVW-15
and sadly I had to let her go. She would have been 15 years old this year. She was so fit a few weeks ago, but suddenly became old with pain.
She has been so special to me, and I am filled with som many nice memories. She gave me only 5 pups all together, but they were all not just anybody. First litter with Ch Marielle Place Your Love At Fidel gave Multich Fidel Berlin and Multich Fidel Praha.
Next litter with Ch Fidel Conclution gave Multich Fidel Lusitano and Multich Fidel Andalucia.
The last "litter" with Multich Bazaar Sentimental Reasons was Multich Fidel Vienna. They all had so much from Argentina, and have produced lots of top winning poodles of high quality.
Multich Fidel Spitfire
Fidel Spitfire
9/5-06 - 3/3-16
Top Producer Toy of the year 2007 Best in Show-winner Best of Breed and Runner-up Best in Show at the Russian Poodle-nationality 2009 22 CCs. * Cruft`s-qualified.
Toy male 26,5 cm. PRCD A. Father of 11 Champions
He was sired by: Nord Ch Solnes I`m Just A Dancer and NW04 NordW05 Int Nord Ch Bobrow`s Let Your Spirit Fly who was Toy of The Year 2005
RIP sweet sweet Spiten.
Nord Ch FIV-05 Fidel Rosa Centifolia
Våre kjære lille Rose er død. Hun ble 12 1/2 år, men vi måtte la henne ende sine dager 30. sept.
Søte, vakre, kloke Rose som også var så kvikk i 12 år. Men på de siste skauturene var hun ikke rask. Vi tror det var kreften som gjorde henne syk.
Hun var ikke bare en flott turkamerat og familiemedlem, som var den eneste vi har hatt med på sydenferie. Men i mange år var hun Henrys skygge. De var et flott par, og det var ingen grenser for hva hun kunne lære av Henry.
Nord Ch FinskVinner-05 Fidel Rosa Centifolia, som er hennes fulle navn, var også vakker,
og som avlstispe Top Producer. Mor til 4 champions; Ch Fidel Betty Rose, Nord Ch Fidel Yatzy,
Ch Fidel Jack Pot og Årets Toy Ch Fidel Yoko Ono.
En epoke er over når en kjær hund blir borte.
N S Ch Fidel Peek A Booh Sired by
Ch. Stanlej He Is Talking In Heaven u.
Marielle Winnie The Pooh.
Top dwarf bitch 2004,
Top Producer and Mother of Top Dwarf 2012
Born 2003
- died 2013
in still beautiful brown colour
32 cm. Full dentation. PRCD A.
Mother of champions.
Int Nord Ch
Fidel Firefly
Toy of the Year 2009
Best in Show at poodle-speciality. 10 CCs, 10 Best bitch, 7 BOB, BIG 3.
Sired by Multi Ch DKV-09 Fidel Spitfire u. Ch Fidel Yoko Ono. 26 cm. PRCD A.
Fie sorrowly died in 2012.
Vår vakre dvergtispe døde brått i påkjørsel av bil. Hun rakk gudskjelov å ha 2 kull. Men savnet er stort for fôrvert og oss. Pin Up ble også Årets Dvergpuddel.