Ch Fidel Amy Winehouse.
Ch Fidel Amy Winehouse.
Ch Fidel Arizona. E. Multich Tixobambixo Kamfer of El-Zanz u. Nord Ch Icefly Fidel Almeria.
Ble ch på Kongsbergs Hundeklubbs utst. i Mjøndalen 2/10-22 under dommer Arne Foss. Akkurat fyllt 2 år.
Ch Fidel Winona
ble champion på første forsøk etter fyllte 2 år på Bø og Sauherads utst. 21. og 22. mai 2022.
Hun er etter Int Nord Ch Fidel Sioux og Ch Veni Vidi Vici. Eier og oppdretter er Gro Staurheim.
Fidel Funny Talk
became Norw. Ch at Kongsberg h.k. 10/10-21 sparingly shown and in toilett 60.
New champion after N S Ch Fidel C/o Piqou u. Nord Ch Icefly Fidel Almeria.
Fidel Robinson Crusoe
Handled and groomed by breeder Gro. Congratulation to owner Anne.
HU Nord Ch LatinW-19 Tixobambixo Khamfer Of El Zanz
Apricot min. male. Born 8/8-17. Bred and co-owned by Eva Helseth. Gained his title after just filled 2 years.
N DK Ch Icefly Fidel Almeria.
Breeder is Jorunn Aukrust. Black min. female by
Ch Figaro S Tsvetnoi Poliany u. Ch Fidel Alhambra
Became Champion at NKKs show in Sandefjord, June 2019.
CH Fidel Sioux
became Champion, BOB BIG and Best in Show just after filled 2 years old.
NordW-18 BeneluxJW Fidel Apache
gained his title under Roberto Schill. Clever owner and handler is Henrik Andreassen.
Nord Ch NJV-12 NV-12 Helsinki V-12 Fidel Butterfly
"Beate" became Nord Ch. She has also the titles NJW-12 NW-12 Helsinki W-12.
The min
S Ch Fidel Indieboy
became Swedish Champion 21. of August 2016. He is by Multich Splash Indiana Jones u. Multich Fidel Vienna. Congratulation to owner Eva Hâggquist!
Balt J Ch Fidel Garlic Girl
Black standard poodle female sired by Ch Momabe`s Run In The Sky u. Ch Fidel Oliven.
Owners are the young and talented Vladiskava Shakina who handles her, and mother Viktorija Smelova who do the beautiful grooming.
Ch Fidel Buyer On Fire
achieved his title, won CACIB and BOB at Hamar Int. show under judge Leif Ragnar Hiorth. Bajas is by Multichamp Fidel Spitfire u. Ch Fidel Yoko Ono. Owner is Vigdis Frydenlund.

The littersister of Ch Fidel Hole In One
Ch Fidel Holiday achieved her title at Int Hamar 13.10.12. She won also CACIB and BOB. Owner is Karin Bruvold.
N S Ch Fidel Hole In One
er etter Ch Fidel Holy Spirit og Ch Fidel Yoko Ono. Hun ble BIR begge dager denne helg og BIG 3 ene dagen. Hun vises og klippes av eier Eli Hjemgård.
Ch Fidel C/O Piqou
vant tittelen uten mye strev.
Gratulerer til eier Kari som steller så fint med hans tykke store pels.
N S Slov Ch NV-10 Fidel Poker Face
fikk sin norske ch.tittel på første utst. etter fyllte 2 år.
Dommer var Rainer Vuorinen.
N S NV-10 Fidel Nicole
ble BIM når hun fikk sine championtitler på første forsøk etter fyllte 2 år.
Gratulerer til Linn Elise, eier/handler/groomer.
The standard
Fidel Run Over
is now Lith Junior Champion.
Congratulations to owner/handler Viktorija Smelova, Latvia.
The Miniature bitch
Ch Fidel Cara Piqouette
( Ch Fidel Cayman/ Kira-be`s Rosalita) won her last CC at her first chance in Open class.
Congratulations with her title to owner and handler this time Morten Ringsrud.
The dwarf bitch
Ch Fidel Chiara
(Ch Fidel Chile/ Fidel Colette) won her title and become BOS under judge Lorena Merati.
The min male
Ch Fidel Lusitano
(Ch Fidel Conclution/ Multich NordW-05 Fidel Argentina) became Norw. Champion and BOB under judge Kurt Nilsson. Congratulations to owner Julie Bjerke 🙂
LV J Ch Fidel Corsica
is now Junior Champion.
This miniature female
is sired by Brittuvan`s Blaze and Ch NV-06 Fidel Corvette. Owner is Lida Prokofjeva, Latvia.
Norsk Champion Fidel Fire Up
A. Ch Fidel Spitfire u. Ch Fidel Pin Up.
She got her title at the Int. show in Drammen, a few days after she turned 2 years old.
Ch. Fidel Fire In Focus
Multi Ch Fidel Spitfire/Nord Ch Fidel Yatzy
"Farah" gained her title first time shown in Open Class, just become 2 years old. She was also BOB.
She is co-owned with Wenche Lassem.
Judge was Natasa Blanusa, Croatia.
The toy black male LV CH JCH Fidel Napole On Fire has become Latvian Champion beside his Junior championtitle.
He is sired by Spitfire and Yoko. He is PRCD A.
He lives in Latvia with owner /handler Tatyana Dermakina.
Groomer is Lida Prokofjeva.
N S Ch Fidel Firefly
(Multi Ch DKV-09 Fidel Spitfire/Ch Fidel Yoko Ono)
Just turned 2 years and Champion, BOB and Group 3.
Judge: Gøran Bodegård.
The black toy male
Fidel Holy Spirit
became Norw. Ch. and BOB under breed-judge Francesco Cochetti. He had just turned 2 years old.
J Ch Fidel Zina
Zina become Junior champion within a fourtnight. She is sired by Ch Fidel Zic On Fire and Nord Ch Fidel Yatzy.
She is owned and handled by Anna Stepkina, Sochi in Russia.
Fidel-oppdrettet champion nr. 70!
Svensk Norsk Ch. Fidel Andalucia.
Sort mellomtispe etter N Ch Fidel Conclution og Int Nord LV Ch NordV05 Fidel Argentina.
Eiere er Elsa Storesund og Åge Gjetnes.
Ny Fidel-champion: Sort toy hanhund
N Ch Fidel Zic On Fire. 26 cm. PRCD A
(E. Multi Ch Fidel Spitfire/ Ch Fidel Yoko Ono)
foto: Anita Byklum
Dwarf male N Ch Fidel Ruby On Fire (Spitfire/ N S Ch Fidel Peek A Booh) became Norw. Champion at The Kennel Club show in Kristiansand 9. May. The judge was Karin Bergbom, Finland.
Congratulations to owner/ handler Linn Elise. 🙂
INT NO RU LT UA LV Ch Fidel Spitfire
is his full name now, after taken the Latvian Championtitle 28. of March 09.
Int Nord Ch NV07 NordV08 Fidel Praha
var i Danmark 8.nov. og ble Dansk champion på NordiskVinner-utstilling.
Måneden etter ble hun Best i Rasen på "Stora Stockholm", og dermed Int. Champion.
Dommer på begge utstillinger var Mikke Nilsson.
Det ble en ny Fidel-champion på NKKs utst. i Stavanger 13.09. etter Fidel Collette og Int Nord Ch Bazaar Sentimental Reasons.
N Ch Fidel Conclution.
Stolte eiere er Svanhild Kjenner og Kåre Kleivane, Bergen. Flink klipper og handler har vært Anette Halvorsen.

Nå har lille Australske exporten blitt champion!
Ch Fidel Sauvage On Fire.
Han er etter N Lith Ru Ch Fidel Spitfire og Ch Fidel Yoko Ono.
Congratulations! Ch Fidel Sauvage On Fire.He has now become Australian Champion. Many thanks to the owners Stewart Budd and Roger Schipp, who has taken so good care of my first export to Australia.
is now International Champion! At the same show he was also Best poodle.
This same weekend he was again BOB and Baltic Winner 2008.
As usual perfect groomed by co-owner and handler Lida Prokofjeva.
N Lit Ru Ch Fidel Spitfire
er på utlån til Antonina Kolesova i Russland, og ble på sin første utstilling
champion og Best i Rasen.
Neste utst. i Moskva ble han igjen
og Russisk Champion.
Groomer og handler var Roman Fomin.
N Lit Ru Ch Fidel Spitfire is on leasing with Antonina Kolesova in Russia. At their first show in Lithuania he became Best of Breed and Lith. Champion. The next show in Moscow he won again BOB and the Russian Ch.-title.
Groomer and handler was Roman Fomin.
Praha ble Svensk Champion på Verdensutstillingen i Stockholm! Hun ble kun slått av den vakre rasevinneren.
Dommer var rasespes. Peter Young fra England.
Praha became Swedish Champion at the World-Winner Show in Stockholm! She was only beaten by the beautiful Breed-winner.
The judge was breed specialist Peter Young from England.
Fidel Cayman ble N Champion første gang stilt etter fylte 2 år på Norsk miniatyrhunds utstilling i Moss 25/5. Dommer var Anne M. H. Hansen.
Fidel Oliven ble champion første gang stilt etter fyllte 2 år.
Hun ble også Best in Show av BIM-hundene på Norsk Miniatyrhunds utst. i Moss 25/5. Dommer var Anne M. H. Hansen.
N Ch Fidel Praha
ble norsk champion i Surnadal 27.04.08 for dommer Kerstin Nilsson. Det var hennes 7. cert og hun ble da også BIR.
N Ch Fidel Praha
became Norwegian Champion in Surnadal 27.04.08. Judge Kerstin Nilsson, Denmark. This was her 7. CC, and she also won Best Of Breed.