Adult Show Results (2008-2017)
Bø NKK 21.feb.
At the Latvian show the toy male
J Ch Fidel Napole On Fire
BOB and 4 BIG. Congratulations to owner/handler Tatyana 🙂. And the day before Tatyana`s white toy male Ch Snow Blues Iz-Russkogo Dvora became Norwegian Ch. and BOS at NKK Bø.
Hellerudsletta 1. februar
"Bello" Int Multi Ch Fidel Berlin
ble på sin første utstilling i Norge Norsk champion og BIM.
"Bello" Int Multi Ch Fidel Berlin
became Norwegian Champion and BOS at his first show in Norway.
Hellerudsletta 31. jan.
Helsøskene Fidel Firefly og Fidel Zic On Fire vant cert og ble BIR og BIM i dag for dommer Diane Anderson, USA.
Fidel Firefly and her fullbrother Fidel Zic On Fire won CCs and became BOB and BOS today under judge Diane Anderson, USA.
Estland 11. January
Sorte toytispen Fidel Firefly (e. Ch Fidel Yoko Ono/Ch Fidel Spitfire) vant sitt forste cert og ble Best i Rasen i dag. Dommer var Veli-Pekka Kumpumäki, Finland.
My black toybitch
Fidel Firefly
won her first CC and become BOB today. The judge was Veli-Pekka Kumpumäki, Finland.
Letohallen 10. januar 2009
Litauiske juniortispen Julija - etter Berlin - var i Tartu nasj. utst. alle raser i Estland og ble BIR. (foto) Toyhannen Fidel Napole On Fire fikk også tittelen Junior-champion der. Begge klippet av Lida.
Ukraina 13. desember - 2008
Fidel Holy Spirit
ble BIR i Letohallen for dommer Arne Foss.
Foto: Anne Helleberg.
Fidel Holy Spirit
becomes BOB again under judge Arne Foss.
Photo: Anne Helleberg.
Stockholm 7. Desember
vinner igjen!
På int. utst. i Kiev, Ukrania ble han BIR. Han vant cert og CACIB, som gjorde at han nå blir Ukrainsk og Int. Champion. Dommer var Lilian Hanniste, Estland.
wins again! At the Int. Ukraine Show in Kiev he became BOB. He won CC and CACIB, which makes him International Norw. Lith. Russian Ukranian Champion. The judge was Lilian Hanniste from Estonia.
Latvia 7. desember
Praha avsluttet dette års utstillingskarriere med å vinne BIR på "Stora Stockholm". Dommer var Mikke Nilsson. Hun vant da det siste CACIB hun trengte, og kommer til å smykke seg med tittelen Int.Nord Ch. NV07 NordV08.
Praha has ended this year showcareer winning BOB at the big Stockholm-show. The judge was Mikael Nilsson. She won the last CACIB she needed for the International Championtitle. Her titles will now become Int.Nord.Ch NW07 NordW08.
Latvia 23. november
Lille Fidel Napole On Fire vant sitt 3. cert og har blitt Junior Champion. Int Multi Ch Fidel Berlin ble BIR igjen.
Little FidelNapole On Fire won his third CC and became Junior Champion! Int Multi Ch. Fidel Berlin become BOB again!
Congratulations to the owners! 😀
Norsk Vinnerutstilling 08 NKK Hamar 23. november
Fidel Napole On Fire
won his second junior-CC and became Best of Breed at the Group 9-show in Riga. The judge was Hans v. d. Berg, Netherland. Congratulations to groomer Lida and owner/handler Tatyana. 🙂
Int. show in Latvia 16. Nov.
Toyhannen Fidel Holy Spirit (foto) ble beste juniorhann på Hamar og 2 BHK Dommer var Tiina Taulos, Finland.
DKK Herning 8. november
Fidel Napole On Fire
won his first junior CC and become BOS at the Int. show in Latvia. The judge was Ligita Zake. Congratulations to owner/handler Tatjana!
Russland 2. november
Nord Ch NV07 NordV08 Fidel Praha
var i Danmark og vant cert, CACIB og BIR. Hun ble da Dansk og dermed Nordisk Ch. Og ble Nord.V08. Dommer var Mikke Nilsson.
Nord Ch NW07 NordW08 Fidel Praha was in Denmark and won CC, CACIB and BOB. Then she became Danish Ch., meaning she is now Nordic Ch. This was also the Nordic Winner show08. The judge was Mikael Nilsson.
Serbia 26. October
N LIT RU Ch Fidel Spitfire
vant cert, CACIB, BIM i Voronezh, Russland.
N Lith Ru Ch Fidel Spitfire won CC, CACIB, BOS in Voronezh, Russia. Congratulations and thanks to his host, handler and groomer!
Letohallen 25./26. oktober
Int. Multi Ch Fidel Berlin
became Serbian Ch. Congratulations to Lida - coowner/handler/groomer!
N S Ch NV07 Fidel Praha & N Ch Fidel Cayman
ble BIR og BIM begge dager i Letohallen.
The mins N S Ch NW07 Fidel Praha & Ch Fidel Cayman
became BOB and BOS both days in Letohallen.
NKK Tromsø 19/10
Toyhannen Fidel Holy Spirit
vant cert og BIM begge dager i Letohallen for dommerne Kari Granaas Hansen og Arne Foss.
The toy male
Fidel Holy Spirit won the CC and BOS both days in Letohallen. Judges were Kari Granaas Hansen and Arne Foss.
12. oktober
Lille toyhannen
Fidel Zic On Fire
vant sitt andre cert, sitt første CACIB og BIM. Dommer var Arne Foss. Zic er etter Ch Fidel Spitfire/ Ch Fidel Yoko Ono.
Foto: Ane Bjerkeli.
The little toymale Fidel Zic On Fire won his second CC, first CACIB and BOS at Int.Show in Tromsø. Judge: Arne Foss, Norway. Zic is sired by N Ru Lith Ch Fidel Spitfire u. Ch Fidel u.Yoko Ono.
"Brann`s" litterbrother.
Puddelspesial i Budapest 4. oktober. Dommer: Tina Taulus
"Brann" Ch Fidel Sauvage On Fire
ble Best Junior in Show på Australsk Puddel Klubb utst. Dommer var James Camac.
"Brann" Ch Fidel Sauvage On Fire
became Best Junior In Show at the Australian Poodle Club show. Judge: Mr. James Camac. Congratulations to the owners Roger and Stewart!
NKK Kongsvinger 4. oktober. Judge: Margareth Vear
Int Multi Ch Fidel Berlin
was Best male and won the Hungarian CC. Congratulations to co-owner, handler, groomer Lida!
The toy male
Fidel Holy Spirit
won junior class and was 2. Best male.
Ch Fidel Cayman
was best male and BOS. Handled by Gro Staurheim.
The min.
Fidel Andalucia
won the intermediate class and was placed in best bitch class. She is sired by Ch Fidel Conclution u. Int Nord La Ch Nord W 05 Fidel Argentina. Beautifully handled by owner Elsa Storesund.
N S NV07 Fidel Praha
became BOB and the best poodle with nr. 3 in Group
14. september
Jeg hadde oppdrettergruppe på mellom som ble plassert som nr. 3 Beste Oppdrettergruppe. Dommer: Hans Lehtinen. De besto av Ch Fidel Cayman, N S Ch NV07 Fidel Praha, Fidel Andalucia og Fidel Bernice.
My mins was placed as 3. Best Breeding Group.
Fidel Chevrolet
etter Fidel Collette og Angelview Limited Edition vant enda ett cert på NPK gr. Rogalands utst. i Sandnes. Dommer John Marchall, England. Gratulerer til eierne Øistein og Berit Aasheim!
The min.male Fidel Chevrolet sired by Fidel Collette/ Angelview Limited Edition won another CC at Norw. Poodle club-show in Sandnes. Judge: John Marchall, England.
NKK 13. september
N S Ch NV 07 Fidel Praha ble Best i Rasen på NPKs utst. i Sandnes. Dommer var rasespesialist John Marshall fra England. På samme utst. - toyhannen Fidel Holy Spirit vant cert og BIM.
N S Ch NW 07 Fidel Praha became Best of Breed at the Norw. Poodleclub`s show in Sandnes under judge John Marshall, England. At the same show my toymale Fidel Holy Spirit won CC and BOB.
Mellomhannen Fidel Conclution tok certet, ble norsk Champion og Best i Rasen på NKKs utst. i Stavanger. Gratulerer til eierne Kåre Kleivane og Svanhild Kjenner! og takk til Anette Halvorsen for klipping og handling.
The min.male
Fidel Conclution
won CC, became Norw. Champion and Best Of Breed at the Norw. Kennelclub-show in Stavanger. Owners: K. Kleivane/ Svanhild Kjenner. Handler/groomer: Anette Halvorsen.
Siste nytt fra utlandet/Last news from abroad
14. september
gjorde det bra igjen. 2 BIS valp!
7. september På puddelspesial i Riga ble Fidel Napole On Fire Best Puppy in Show!
At the Poodle Speciality in Riga Fidel Napole On Fire became Best Puppy In Show! Congratulations to the owner Tatjana Demakina.
14. of September
Napoleon did it well again. Runner Up Best Puppy In Show! Lille Fidel Napole On Fire, etter Spit og Yoko, var på sin første ustilling i Estland og ble Best i Rasen - valp. Han bor i Latvia.
Little Fidel Napole On Fire, sired by Spit and Yoko, made his debut in Estonia winning Best Of Breed. He is living in Latvia. Congratulations to his owner Tatjana and groomer Lida!
14. september
gjorde det bra igjen. 2 BIS valp!
7. september På puddelspesial i Riga ble Fidel Napole On Fire Best Puppy in Show!
At the Poodle Speciality in Riga Fidel Napole On Fire became Best Puppy In Show! Congratulations to the owner Tatjana Demakina.
14. of September
Napoleon did it well again. Runner Up Best Puppy In Show! Lille Fidel Napole On Fire, etter Spit og Yoko, var på sin første ustilling i Estland og ble Best i Rasen - valp. Han bor i Latvia.
Little Fidel Napole On Fire, sired by Spit and Yoko, made his debut in Estonia winning Best Of Breed. He is living in Latvia. Congratulations to his owner Tatjana and groomer Lida!
7th of September
Int.Multi Ch BA W07 08 LA W07 Lith W08
Fidel Berlin
wins Best in Show again! This was at the Poodle Speciality in Riga. Congratulations to the co-owner, groomer and handler Lida Prokofjeva!
7th of September
Int.Multi Ch BA W07 08 LA W07 Lith W08
Fidel Berlin
wins Best in Show again! This was at the Poodle Speciality in Riga. Congratulations to the co-owner, groomer and handler Lida Prokofjeva!