Adult Show Results (2008-2017)
DKK Bornholm 19. 20. august
At the double Int show on the lovely Danish Island Bornholm our Ch
Fidel Zanzibar
won BOB both days. That makes him also Nordic and Int Ch. First day`s judge was Claudio De Giuiliani, second day Hanne Laine Jensen.
Våler 15. juli
Eurasierklubbens utst. på Vålerbanen ga topp resultater:
NV-16 NordV-16 Fidel Funny Face
vant cert, championat og BIR og gjør henne nå til Nord Est, Latv, Lit., Russisk og Hviterussesk Champion.
Hennes far
Multich Fidel Poker Face
ble også BIR, BIR Veteran og 3BIS Veteran.
Vår unge mellomtispe
Icefly Fidel Almeria
vant cert, BIR og Gruppen!
Dommer i rasen og gruppen var Frode Jevne.
NKK Int Oslo 10. juni
Multich Fidel Zanzibar
ble BIR.
Fidel Lipgloss
cert, CACIB og BIR.
Multich Fidel
Poker Face
BIM og BIS 4 Veteran. Super dag for oss. Dommer var Lorena Merati.
Pskov 29. april
Ch Fidel Funny Face
BIR og russiske ch. titler i dag.😀
Og lillesøster
J Ch Fidel Lipstick
vant junior cert.
Hviterussland 26. mars
J Ch Fidel Lipstick
Ch Fidel Funny Face
vant hver sine cert i Hviterussland. Funny ble BIR. De er etter Ch Fidel Poker Face u. Ch Fidel Magic Makeup.
NKK Kr.sand 19. mars
Multich Fidel Poker Face
BIR Veteran
totalt i Sørlandshallen. Dommeren ga denne kritikken:
En utmerket dvergpuddel med optimale proposjoner. Maskulint hode, aning grovt i skallen. Herlig utstråling. Optimal hals og overlinje og haleplassering. 100% balanse i vinkler foran og bak. Picture perfect sett fra siden i forhold til stil, reisning, bevegelse og haleføring! I utmerket kondisjon, utmerket pels og farge.
Ch Fidel Zanzibar
Ble også BIR.
Begge ble vist nydelig av Gro.
SPK 4. mars
N S HR CZ Balt Ch EUJW-15 OgreW-15-16 CelticW-16 BaltW-16 Fidel Zanzibar
was BOB and became Swed. Ch and Runner-up BIS at the Poodle Special in Gothenburg. Thanks to judge Ann-Charlotte Hillberger.
Also showed the Spitfiredaughter (mother Private Zoe)
Private Kokla
to BOBwinner. She had also her Swed CAC. Judge was Rob Douma from Holland.
St. Petersburg 25. februar
Multich MultiBIS Fidel Zina
(Ch Fidel Zic
On Fire/Nord Ch Fidel Yatzy) made her debut as veteran and become
Best in Show Veteran
. At the same show her son
was BIG! Big congratulation to owner for both Anna, and breeder/owner Natasja.
NKK Bø 18. september
At Int show in Bø our min
Balt CZ HR Ch EUJW-15 CalticW-16 OgreW-15-16 Fidel Zanzibar
won CAC, CACIB and BOB. He now became Norw. Champion.
Our dwarf
Int Nord CZ SI Ch NW Fidel Poker Face
was placed second in Best Male-class and was
BOB veteran
. His daughter the junior
Fidel Lipgloss
was 4. best female with CK. Judge was Hans Almgren.
Tallin 12. februar
At Group 9 show in Tallin the brown toysisters won both their
Ch BatlW-16 NordW-16 NW-12 Fidel Funny Face
became EE Ch.
LVJ Ch Fidel Lipstick
won Juniorclass and became EE J Ch. Big congratulation to handler /groomer Viktorija Smelova.
Next day at the Int show
again won Junior class.
Ogre 4. 5. februar
På gr. 9 ust. i Ogre, Latvia tok søstrene
Fidel Lipstick
BaltV-16 NV-
16 Fidel Funny Face cert begge dager og ble latviske champions. Første dagen ble Funny BIR og utplukket i gruppen.
At the double gr. 9-show in Ogre the sisters
Fidel Lipstick
16 NW-16 Fidel Funny Face
won CACs both days. This made them Latv.Junior Ch and Latv. Ch. Funny was also BOB first day and shortlisted in the finale.
Big thanks to Vika who take care of bthe dogs as well as grooming and handling.🙂
Daugavpils, Latvia 22. januar
At the first show for
Balt.W-16 NW-16 Fidel Funny Face
she won CAC,
Fidel Lipstick
had her debut as adult winning junior CAC and BOB.
They are by Multich Fidel Poker Face u. Multich Fidel Magic Makeup.
At second day Mydog
Int Nord LV Ch BaltW-16 Fidel St.Petri
was BOS under judge Nina Karlsdottir. Big Congratulation to owner/handler Laila Johansen.
Riga Int 13. november
At second day Mydog
Int Nord LV Ch BaltW-16 Fidel St.Petri
was BOS under judge Nina Karlsdottir. Big Congratulation to owner/handler Laila Johansen.
Praha 29. 0ktober
At the Baltic Winnershow in Riga kennel Fidel had the medium sized winners.
Balt HR CZ Ch OgreW-15-16 EUJW-15 BaltW-16
Fidel Zanzibar
won CACIB and BOB.
Nord LV Ch BaltW-16
Fidel St. Petri
won CAC, CACIB and BOS.
Congratulation to owners of both. 😀
SKK Øland nat. 3.9.
HR Balt JCh CZ N Ch OgreW-15-16 EUJW-15 CelticW-16
l Zanzibar
vant cert, CACIB og BIM i Tsjekkia og ble da Tsjekkisk champion. Vist som vanlig av medeier Viktorija Smelova. 😀
SKK Int Sandvigen 3.8.
S Ch Fidel Indierock
ble BIR på Øland.
Gratulerer til eier Eva Häggquist.😀
Leto 23. 24. januar
På Lhasaklubbens koselige utstilling i Råde Ble vår
Fidel Funny Face
BIR . Lille kloningen
Private Kokla
ble 2 BT og fikk sitt første cert.
Multich Fidel Eyeliner
ble også BIR og dagens beste puddel med sin BIG 2.
Mydog Gøteborg 9. og 10. januar
First day - judge Svein B. Helgesen
Fidel Funny Face
CAC and BOB.
Nord DK Ch NJW NordJW Fidel Eyeliner
BOB and BIG 4.
Second day - judge Annika Ulltveit-Moe
Fidel Funny Face
CAC, BOB and BIG 2.
Nord DK Ch NJW NordJW Fidel Eyeliner
Fidel Merian
Letohallen 29. desember
Fidel Funny Face
won Juniorclass and was 2. Best Bitch with res. CAC.
Nord Ch NJW-14 NordJW-14 Fidel Eyeliner
was 2 Best male with CAC and Swedish Ch.
Nord Ch Fidel St. Petri
- CACIB and BOB.
Mydele`s Skye
was 2 Best Bitch with CAC and CACIB - both days.
Kongsberg 5. desember
På årets siste utstilling ble
Nord Ch NJV NordJV
Fidel Eyeliner
BIR og BIG4. Dommetf var Rita Reinhard. Gratulerer så mye til eier/handler Aina. 😀
Helsinki Winner 5. desember
Fidel Merian
won his first CAC and was BOS at the show in Kongsberg. Shown in the Toilett 60. Congratulation to breeder/handler/groomer Gro and owner Marit 😀. Judge was Kitty Sjong.
DKV-15 Herning 1. november
NJW-14 NordJW-14
Fidel Eyeliner
won CAC and CACIB at Helsinki Winnershow. He is now Finnish and Nordic Champ. Congratulation to clever owner/handler Aina Tonerud.😀Judge was Juha Paalossari.
DKK Herning 31. oktober
Nord Ch Fidel St. Petri
! Cert og Dansk championat på DK-Vinner-15. Dommer var Mikael Nilsson. Handlet av eier Laila Johansen. Gratulerer😀
Hamar NKK 17. oktober
N Ch NJV NordJV-14 Fidel Eyeliner
fikk cert, CACIB og ble BIR første dagen i Herning. Gratulerer til eier og handler Ania Tonerud. 😀Dommer var Siret Lepasaar.
Hans mor
Fidel Magic Makeup
får nå tittelen Int Nord Ch v
ed å få cert og CACIB og ble BIM etter sin sønn.
Gøteborg 10. oktober
Fidel Eyeliner
gained his Norw. championtitle at the Norw. Winner show. Judge was Lee Cox.
Multich Fidel Argentina
was placed 4 in
Best bitch class and was Norw. Veteranwinner 2015.
N S Ch Fidel St. Petri
var på puddelspesial i Sverige og ble Beste Tispe med cert og svensk championat. Hun vant også BIM BIS. Gratulerer så mye til eier og handler Laila Johansen. 😀
NKK Drammen 6. juni
Fidel Zanzibar
won the Juniorclass and CAC at the Eurowinnershow in September. The week after he won BOB both days at sho
ws in Latvia.
Latvia 24. mai
NKK Ålesund 9. mai
NJV14 NordJV14
Fidel Eyeliner
og mellomen
Ch Fidel St.
vant begge CACIB og BIR på Int. utst. i Ålesund. Dommer var Åge Gjetnes. Gratulerer til eierne Aina og La
ila 😀
NJV14 NordJV14
Fidel Eyeliner
og mellomen
Ch Fidel St.
vant begge CACIB og BIR på Int. utst. i Ålesund. Dommer var Åge Gjetnes. Gratulerer til eierne Aina og La
ila 😀
NJW14 Fidel Eyeliner
won BOB, Best in Group and was placed 4. in Best in Show. Congratulation to owner Aina Tonerud😀
Langesund 17. 18. januar
NJW14 Fidel Eyeliner
won BOB, Best in Group and was placed 4. in Best in Show. Congratulation to owner Aina Tonerud😀
Gøteborg Int. 3. 4. januar
After winning several CACs as toy NJW-14 NordJW-14 Fidel Eyeliner was measured up and won his first CAC, BOB and BIG 2 as dwarf.
Fidel St. Petri
became Norw. Champion and was BOB both days this weekend.
Judge first day was Janell Robbins from Australia and second day Jussi Liimalainen from Finland.
Letohallen 28. desember
At Mydog first day
Ch Fidel Magic Makeup
received CAC, Swed Ch-title, CACIB and BOB. The judge was Marit Sunde.
Hollywood Mikado
(Ch Fidel Spitfire/ Ch Fidel Holyday) won CAC and was 2 Best male. Judge was Dan Ericsson.
Second day
won CACIB and was 2 Best Bitch.
was 3 Best Male with res.CAC, Crufts-qualified as he was Best Junior.
The judge was Frank Sabella.
Dogs4all 2014
9 mnd gamle
Fidel Indian Chief
(Ch Splash Indiana Jones/Ch Fidel Vienna) var på sin første utstilling i dag med resultat cert og BIR. Dommer var Svein Helgesen. Vi orket ikke vente til gruppedømmelsen.
Gratulerer så mye til eierne - fam. Jensen.😀
Fidel Indian Chief
made his debut today, 9 mnths old, with CAC and BOB.
Kongsberg 9. november
NJW-14 NordJW-14 Fidel Eyeliner
(Multich NordVW-14 Fidel Spitfire/Ch Fidel Magic Makeup) became best junior both days at Dogs4all.
Int Nord LV HR Ch NVW-11-12-13-14 FIVW-12 DKVW-13 NordVW-14 Fidel Argentina
was BOB veteran and 4. in Best bitch-class first day.
N S Ch Fidel Alhambra
won the CH.class first day and was 2 in Best bitch class.
Multich NordVW-14 Fidel Spitfire
got his first veteran title.
Ch NVW-14 NordVW-14 Fidel
was BOBveteran standard both days, and was shortlisted in BIS veteran first day.
Letohallen 1. november
At the Kongsberg show
Fidel Alhambra
was shown first time after she was old enough for championtitles. As the winner of CAC and BOB she became Norw. and Swed. Champion. Big congratulation to owner Jorunn Aukrust.
My toy
Multich Fidel Spitfire
was BOB veteran, and his young son
Hollywood Mikado
u. Ch Fidel Holyday won his first CAC and BOS. Congratulation to owner/breeder Karin Bruvoll and handler/groomer Gro Staurheim.
The judge was Stavros Argirou.
Koper 4., 5. oktober
Dverger: Ch Fidel Magic Makeup (foto) ble BIM etter Ch Fidel Dragonfly.
Fidel Eyeliner BIR junior.
Toyer: Multich Fidel Spitfire ble 4. BHK og BIR veteran.
Mellom: Multich Fidel Argentina ble 2 BTK og BIR veteran.
Stor: Ch Fidel Oliven ble BIR veteran og beste puddel i BIS veteran.
2. dag i Leto: Fidel Eyeliner BIR junior.
NKK Orre 14. september
Fidel Ice Makes Music
won CAC both days at Int show in Slovenia. Congratulations and thanks to co-owner/ handler/groomer Sanja Valkovic.
Sandnes NPK 13. september
Fidel Dragonfly
his championtitle and BOB at Int show in Orre. Judge was Arne Foss. Many congratulations to owner/handler/groomer Mette Nilsen😀
Trieste Int. 7. september
Ch Fidel Magic Makeup
won BOB at the poodlespeciality in Sandnes. The judge was Sharon Payne-Hynes.
NKK Oslo 16. august
Our white dwarf male
Fidel Ice Makes Music
won another CAC under judge Luigi Nerilli (It).
Many congrats to the co-owner Sanja, who keeps him, do the grooming and handling.
Latvia 26. 27. juli
Fidel Eyeliner
won the Juniorclass at the Norw. Crufts-qualifying show. He was placed 4 in a strong Best-maleclass.
His mother
Ch Fidel Magic Makeup
won CACIB and BOS. Judge was breedspecialist Eva Valinger.
Råde 27. juli
Nat. show in Adazi:
First day big brother
Multich Fidel Run Over
was BOB.
Second day:
J Ch Fidel Garlic Girl
- BOB and ....BIG 1
Big thanks to wonderful judge Ger Cox from Ireland! And congratulations to owners Vlada and Vika 😀
Finland 25. juli
Fidel Eyeliner
won CAC and BOS today. Congratulation to owner Aina Tonerud 🙂