Adult Show Results (2008-2017)
Tampere 21. mars
Lucy vinner Best in Show på puddelspesial!
Lucy wins Best in Show at Poodle Special!
St. Petersburg 20.03
Bello-sønn Haydee`s Sachsen
vant cert, CACIB og BIM
på Int.utst. i Finland.
Dommer var Rodney McDowell.
Bello-son Haydee`s Sachsen
at Int.show. in Finland. Congratulations to breeder Eva and owner/handler Heidi. 🙂
USA 13./14. mars
På National Dog Show i St. Petersburg ble
J Ch Fidel Zina
Fidel Zic On Fire/ Ch Fidel Yatzy)
Junior, BIR og BIG 2.
At National Dog Show, Saint-Petersburg
J Ch Fidel Zina
was BOB-Junior, BOB and BIG-2. Groomer/handler was Natalia Mankova and owner is Anna Stepkina, Russia. CONGRATULATIONS! 😀
Riga 13. mars
Seattle Kennel Club-show.
Nord DK Ch NV09 Fidel Andalucia
har vært på sine første utst. i Amerika, og ble Winners Bitch første dagen og BIR andre dagen!
Kjempegrattis til eierne Elsa og Åge 😀
Nord DK Ch NW09 Fidel Andalucia
have been to her first shows in America, Winners Bitch first day and BOB second day!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Riga 27./28. februar
har vært på utst. igjen og ble BIR og BIG 2.
Lidas valp
Fidel Corsica
BIS 2.
Bello-son "
" was BOB and BIG 2.
Lida`s puppy
Fidel Corsica
was BIS 2.
Congratulations to Lida and Marc! 😀
Here is video from the ring:
Bø 21. februar
J Ch Jasenak Volsebnaja Nocj
(foto) ble BIS
og res.BIS
og ble
juniorchampion på gruppe 9 utst. Samme resultat andre dag!
På samme utst. ble mellomvalpen
Fidel Corsica
res.BIS valp første dag og BIS 3 andre dag! Eier er Lida, som også er handler/groomer på begge hundene.
En russisk Bello-sønn vant cert andre dagen.
J Ch
Jasenak Volsebnaja Nocj
(photo) became
junior and
and gained his junior
-title at Group 9 show. Same result second day!
At the same show the min-puppy
Fidel Corsica
first day and
second day!
Owner is Lida, who is also the groomer/handler of both dogs.
A Russian Bello-son won CC second day.
J Ch Jasenak Volsebnaja Nocj
Letohallen 14. februar
På NKKs int. utst i Bø vant toytispen
"Farah" Fidel Fire In Focus
og BIR.
Fidel Poker Face
vant cert og BIM.
Min gamle toytispe "Rose"
Nord Ch FinV05 Fidel Rosa Centifolia
(foto) ble stilt i veteranklasse for første og siste gang, 9 år gammel.. Dette synes hun var kjedelig. Men hun fikk CK og en flott kritikk.
Mellomtispen til Liv Stokman
Fidel Bernette
fikk CK og 3 BTK i jevn konkurranse.
Dommer var Veli-Pekka Kumpumäki.
At the Int. show in Bø the toybitch
"Farah" Fidel Fire In Focus
won CC, CACIB and BOB.
The junior dwarfmale
Fidel Poker Face
won CC and BOS.
My old toybitch
Nord Ch FinW05 Fidel Rosa Centifolia
(photo) was shown as veteran for the first and last time, 9 years old. This was a bore! But she achieved CC-quality with a lovely critique.
Liv Stokman`s min-bitch
Fidel Bernette
got CK and 3. Best Female in equal competition.
The judge was Veli-Pekka Kumpumäki.
Sochi 14. februar
Fidel Poker Face
var på sin tredje utst. i år og vant sitt tredje cert og Best i Rasen.
Fidel Poker Face
was at his third show this year and won his third
and Best of Breed.
Togliatti 13.,14. februar
The toybitch RUJ Ch Fidel Zina (Ch Fidel Zic On Fire/ Ch Fidel Yatzy) was BOB- Junior, BOB, RBIS
Junior, BIG-1, BIS-3.
Congratulations to owner Anna Stepkina in Russia.
Ølen 13. februar
Bello-daughter Ezhevika became Best in Show and Best in Show 2 again.
7. februar
Preciosa`s Yola
ble champion og BIR i dag. Gratulere eier Siv, oppdretter Kirsten og frisør Elisabeth..🙂
*** The Cent-daughter Preciosa`s Yola become Champion and BOB today. Congratulations to owner Siv, breeder Kirsten and groomer Elisabeth.🙂
Moskva 6./7. februar
Unge Bello-sønnen Juvelir ot Gospozhi Paninoy er
nå Russisk Junior champion, og ble også res.BIS-junior.
The young Bello-sonJuvelir ot Gospozhi Paninoy is now Russian Junior Champion, and become also res. BIS-junior.
Samara 7. februar
Russian Spit-daughter Jutana Infanta Nezhnostj Ljubviwon won the Group first day. Next day she was BIG 3 and become Junior Champion.
Togliatti 6. februar
Ch Ezhevika s Tsvetochnoj Polynai was Best in Show at an all breed-show! Judge was E.Jerusalimskaya. So well done of this well made young bitch with lovely movements 🙂.
Moskva 31. februar
Ezhevika s Tsvetochnoj Polynai
become BOB again. Congratulations to owner/breeder Olga 😀
Oslo 30. og 31. februar
Ezhevika s Tsvetochnoj Polynai
ble Best i Rasen på utst. i Moskva for raseeksperten Frank Sabella.
Ezhevika s Tsvetochnoj Polynai
was Best Of Breed under the poodle-expert Frank Sabella. Congratulations to breeder/owner Olga Archipova. 🙂
Sorte toytispen Fidel Fire In Focus og brune dverghannen Fidel Poker Face vant cert og BIR begge dager på Hellerudsletta. Poker ble også beste puddel, BIG4. Dommer første dag var Terry Nethercott, andre dag Inger Ronander.
The black toybitch Fidel Fire in Focus and the brown dwarfmale Fidel Poker Face won CC and BOB both days under judges Terry Nethercott and Inger Ronander.
MY Dog SKK int. Gøteborg 10. januar
Finske Bello-barn:
Haydee Sachsen
vant cert, CACIB og BIM andre dag på MY Dog. Kullsøsteren Haydee Salina vant cert, resCACIB og BTK2.
Finnish Bello-children: Haydee Sachsen (photo) won CC, CACIB an BOS second day at My Dog. Littersister Haydee Salina won CC, resCACIB, and 2. Best bitch. Many congratulations to the owners.😀
MY Dog SKK int. in Gothenburgh 9. januar
Finske Bello-barn:
Haydee Sachsen
vant cert, CACIB og BIM andre dag på MY Dog. Kullsøsteren Haydee Salina vant cert, resCACIB og BTK2.
Finnish Bello-children: Haydee Sachsen (photo) won CC, CACIB an BOS second day at My Dog. Littersister Haydee Salina won CC, resCACIB, and 2. Best bitch. Many congratulations to the owners.😀
Nå er Spitfire blitt Nordisk champion.
Letohallen 30. desember 2009
N S Ch Fidel Firefly. I dag ble hun stilt ut for første gang i Sverige. Resultatet ble som jeg håpet på - cert, Svensk championat, Cacib og BIR. Hun slo faren sin Spitfire, som også ble Svensk ch., dermed nordisk, og BIM. Dommer var Kenneth Edh. Gratulerer til fôrvert Kim Robin som viste henne til BIR.😀
N S Ch Fidel Firefly was shown for the first time in Sweden. The result was CC, Swedish Championtitle, CACIB and BOB. She beat her father Spitfire, who also become Swed. Ch. and BOB.
Helsinki 13. desember
Ch Fidel Firefly
vant sitt 9. cert og ble champion første gang stilt i Åpen Klasse. Hun ble også BIR og BIG 3 og dermed utstillingens beste puddel.
Dommer Gøran Bodegård skrev: "Mycket tiltalande velbygd hund. Vakkert hovud. Fine øyne og ører. Utmerk. konstuksjon fremme og bak. Rør seg mycket fint. Utmerk. pelspresentasjon. Hund med "star" kvalitet." * * * Ch Fidel Firefly
won her 9. CC, became champion a few days after her 2 years old birthday. She was also BOB and best poodle with her BIG 3. Judge was Gøran Bodegård from Sweden.
Helsinki 12. desember
Int N Balt RU BLR UA SRB SF Ch NordV-09
Fidel Berlin
On the second day at Helsinki Int Show - Bello was Best male and achieved his Finnish championtitle and Nordic Winner 2009. Judge was Gøran Bodegård, Sweden. Congratulations, many thanks and well done to Lida who does all the excellent work with him.😀
Latvia 6. desember
The toy bitch JCh Fidel Zina (Ch Fidel Zic On Fire/Ch Fidel Yatzy) was Finnish Junior-Winner-09 at the big Int show in Helsinki. Judge was Iren Naarits Viro. She is owned by Anna Stepkina, far down in Sochi, south of Russia. Congratulations! 😀
Latvia 28. november
Great win of Bello-son:
Jasenak Volsebnaja Nocj
became Junior Best in Show and BIS 4 at Group 9-show in Riga. He is only 11 months old. He comes from Serbia and lives in Latvia. Groomer/handler is Lida.
Toyhannen JCh LV Ch Fidel Napole On Fire "ble voksen" champion , BIR og BIS3! Han er kullbror til Fie, som topper Mestvinnende-listen i Norge.
The toymale JCh LV Ch Fidel Napole On Fire gained his championtitle as adult. He was BOB and 3. Best in Show. Congratulation to owner/handler Tatjana and groomer Lida.😀
At the same show the Bello-children Edelweiss s Tsvetochnoy Polyani was BOS and Julija BOB. (photo under:)
Dogs4all 28. november
På Norges største utst. Int. NKK ble "Lucy"BIR og beste europeiske puddel ved at hun ble tatt ut i gruppen, som ble vunnet av storpuddel fra USA - US S N Ch Diego da Maya. Gratulerer til eier Elsa som denne gang sto som for den flotte klipp, og medeier/flinke handler Åge. 😀 Ellers ble dvergtispen Fidel Chiara og mellomhann Fidel c/o Piqou best i sine klasser m CK. Våre stoltheter Fidel Holy Spirit, Fidel Firefly og Fidel Poker Face ble sist i sine klasser uten CK. Den omdiskuterte dommer var Jaqueline Quiros-Kubat fra Argentina.😲
På Norges største utst. Int. NKK ble "Lucy"BIR og beste europeiske puddel ved at hun ble tatt ut i gruppen, som ble vunnet av storpuddel fra USA - US S N Ch Diego da Maya. Gratulerer til eier Elsa som denne gang sto som for den flotte klipp, og medeier/flinke handler Åge. 😀 Ellers ble dvergtispen Fidel Chiara og mellomhann Fidel c/o Piqou best i sine klasser m CK. Våre stoltheter Fidel Holy Spirit, Fidel Firefly og Fidel Poker Face ble sist i sine klasser uten CK. Den omdiskuterte dommer var Jaqueline Quiros-Kubat fra Argentina.😲
Herning 7./8. november
Finnish Bello-son does well at show: Haydee`s Sachsen was at Jyväskylä INT Show 22.11. He got 1. in Youth Class + CAC. And at all breeds show in Helsinki this summer he was BOS + CAC, judge Doris Cozart, USA. And September in Tampere he was BM2 + CAC, judge Rodney McDowell. Congratulations to owner Heidi Martikainen.😀
On photo with breeder Eija Halonen.
Multi Ch DKv09 Fidel Spitfire
ble første dagen på dobbel Int. utst. i Herning dansk ch. og BIM. Dommer var den legendariske rasespesialisten Frank Sabella, USA. Andre dagen ble han også beste hanhund og Dansk Vinner 2009.
Multi Ch DKw09 Fidel Spitfire become the first day at the Int.show in Herning Danish Champion and BOS. Judge Frank Sabella, USA The second day he again was BOS and Danish Winner 2009.
Riga - 31. okt./1. nov.
"Lucy" Nord Ch Fidel Andalucia
kan smykke seg med en tittel til. Første dagen i Hernings Int.utst. ble hun dansk champion.
"Lucy" Nord Ch Fidel Andalucia achieved her Danish championtitle under the legendaric poodlejudge Frank Sabella.
Sochi 25. October
J Ch Fidel Napole On Fire
(Spitfire/Yoko) won 2 CACIBs this weekend at double Int.show in Riga. And the last day he was also BOS. Congratulations to Tatyana.😀
18. October - Krasnodar, Russia
J Ch Fidel Zina
won 4 JCACes in a periode from 4. till 18. of October, and by this finished her Junior Championship. She was also twice BOB. 25.10. at the National Dog show, Sochi she was BOB-Junior. Congratulations Anna!😀
Zina is sired by Ch Fidel Zic On Fire and Nord Ch Fidel Yatzy.
Lithuania 18. 0ctober
At the National Dog Show little Fidel Zina was BOB-Junior, BOB, BIG-2 and became Junior Russian Champion! Congratulations to owner Anna Stepkina 😀
World Dog Show 2009 Bratislava 11. October
J Ch Fidel Napole On Fire
won CC and BOS.
Congratulations to owner Tatyana and groomer Lida!
REC-show in Bratislava 10. October
At WDS all our dogs got "Excellent". INT Multi Ch Fidel Berlin was 3. in Champion-class. Nord Ch Fidel Andalucia won the Open class with CAC, and was second best Bitch with res. CACIB.
This is the third time Fidel min.-bitches have been beaten only by the BOB-winner at a World-show!
Daughter of Berlin and the BOB-winner won the intermediate class with CAC.
Congratulations to all the WorldWinners!
Hamar 4. oktober
At the poodleclub-show day before WDS 2009 we showed 2 poodles. Multi Ch Fidel Spitfire got the res. CAC being second in Open Class. Int Multi Ch Fidel Berlin won also his class with CAC and become Best black miniature male.
Russland 4. oktober
Nord Ch Fidel Andalucia
keeps up her showsuccess: At NKK Int.show she won CACIB, BOB, and Best in Group! She was beautifully scissored by owner Elsa, and very well handled by co-owner Åge. Congratulations! 😀
At the same show the young min.male
Fidel c/o Piqou
won the Juniorclass and was second best male. Handled by Sine.
The young dwarf male Fidel Buyer On Fire won also his class and was placed in Best Male-class.
Russland 26. september
The little toybitch sired by CH Fidel Zic On Fire/ Nord Ch Fidel Yatzy
Fidel Zina
become BOB-Junior, Best in Show Junior, BOB, BIG and BIS-4 at Sochi Nat. Dog show! Congratulations to owner Anna Stepkina 😀
Åland 26. september
Bello-child won again!
The young Bello-daughter Juvelirnaja Rabota ot Gospozhi Paninoy
won junior class and now she is Junior Champion too.
20. september
Nord Ch Fidel Andalucia
er nå Lucy`s fulle navn. Hun vant cert, CACIB, Finsk championat og Best i Rasen på Int. utst. i Finland. Også BIG og 3. Best in Show ! Dommer var Åke Cronander, Sverige. Gratulerer til eierne Åge og Elsa.😀
Nord Ch Fidel Andalucia
is now Lucy`s full name; She won CC, CACIB, Finnish Championtitle and then become Nordic Champion. She was also BOB, BIG andBIS 3! Judge was Åke Cronander.
Stavanger NKK 13. september
Bello-children wins again!
2 Bello
-sons won CC and BOB at each show. Juvelir ot Gospozhi Paninoy was also BIG-2.
Fidel Chevrolet
won his 10. CC and gained the championtitle. He was also BOS. Congratulations to proud owner/handler Øistein.😀
Stavanger 12.,13. september
Ch Fidel Holy Spirit
became BOS at the Int. show in Stavanger.
Fidel Firefly
wins Best In Show at the Poodle Club`s Jubileum-show of Group Rogaland! At the Int. show next day she was again BOB.