Adult Show Results (2008-2017)
Praha 5. januar
N S Ch Fidel Saba Saba
ble BIR begge dager. Andre dagen deltok vi ikke i finalen, men første dagen ble Saba beste puddel ved å komme i semifinalen i gruppen.
Letohallen 29. desember
ble BIR Brun og 2 BHK totalt i Praha. Tusen takk til Romana
Helsinki 10. desember
Fidel Nice Ice
won CC and BOB again under Leif Lehmann Jørgensen. Handled by co-owner Jorunn.
Ch Fidel Buyer On Fire
won BOB, handled by his owner Vigdis.
Helsinki 9. desember
Balt N FI Ch Jasenak Volsebnaja Nocj
became Finnish Champion at Finnish Winner-show under judge Lene Jacobsen.
Congratulations to owner Mark, breeder Dragana and groomer Lida. He was handled by me.
Moldovia 1. desember
N JV NV-12 HelsinkiV-12
Fidel Butterfly
won CC, CACIB, BOB and was Helsinki Winner 2012.
Int Nord LV Ch NordV05 NVW-11 12
Fidel Argentina
was placed 3 in Best female class. This last title she won at Finland Winnershow 2012.
Dogs4all 25. november
Multi Ch Fidel Run Over
Best in Show
at the biggest Int show in Moldova!
Congratulations to clever owner/handler/groomer Vika.😀
Kongsberg 11. november
NJV-12 NV-12
ble titlene på
Fidel Butterfly
da hun vant cert og BIR på Norges største utst.
The junior toy
Norw. Winner-12 Norw.
Fidel Butterfly
and BOB at the biggest show in Norway.
Brune dvergen
Fidel Upperdog
fikk res.cert og ble 3 BHK.
kunne legge nok en tittel til rekka si -
, da hun ble beste mellompuddelveteran igjen i år på Dogs4all..
Letohallen 28. 0ktober
Knøttlille hvite
Fidel Nice Ice
vant sitt første cert og ble
Best i Rasen
. Vist av medeier Jorun.
Dommer var Leif Lehmann Jørgensen, Danmark.
Ch Fidel Buyer On Fire
ble også BIR på denne utst. Klippet og vist av eier Vigdis.
Gratulerer til begge
Letohallen 27. oktober
Fidel Upperdog
vant cert og BIR.
Fidel Nice Ice
fikk CK
og ble 3 BTK.
Turku 20. oktober
Blå toyhannen
NJV-10 Fidel Blueberry-Ice
vant cert og BIM og ble nå norsk champion.
Brune dverghannen
Fidel Upperdog
og BIM.
Lille hvite toytispen
Fidel Nice Ice
debuterte som "voksen" og fikk Excellent.
Brune dvergtispevalpen
Fidel Wich Witch
ble BIR.
Dommer var Ligita Zake
Gratulerer til alle eierne.
Int Hamar 13. oktober
Int Nord Balt RU RO Ch EuW-12 Fidel Zina
won again. At Int show in Turku, Finland she won CC, CACIB and BOB. This made her to Nordic Champ. Congratulations to owner Anna Stepkina and groomer/handler Natalia Mankova 😀
Bucuresti 7. 0ktober
The toy female
Ch Fidel Holiday
won her title, CACIB and BOB.
The dwarf male
Ch Fidel Buyer On Fire
won his title, CACIB and BOB. They are both by the Top Producer Toy of the Year Ch Fidel Yoko Ono. Father of Holiday is Ch Fidel Holy Spirit, and father of Bajas Top Producer Toy of the Year Multichamp Fidel Spitfire.
Congratulations to owner Vigdis and Karin. 😀
Thanks to judge Leif Ragnar Hiorth.
Riga 30 september
-datter Multichamp
Fidel Zina
became Europian Winner 2012 winning BOB in Romania.
Congratulations and thanks to handler Natalia Mankova and owner Anna Stepkina🙂
Congratulations and thanks to handler Natalia Mankova and owner Anna Stepkina
Kroatia 23. september
Int Nord Balt RU SI Ch EUW BaltW LVW LTW EEW
Fidel Corsica
was Best in Show at the poodlespeciality in Latvia.
Fidel Run Over
was r BIS.
Russland 22. september
J Ch Fidel Castro
won CC and CACIB in Pohorje, Croatia under judge Veli-Pekka Kumpumãki. Shown by owner Sanja Valkovic🙂.
Turku, Finland 22. september
Extra Girl s Tsvetochnoi Poljany
all the way to the top: CC, BOB, BIG, BIS one day and BIS junior other day. Many congratulations to breeder/owner Olga Archipova.
Gruppe Rogaland 16. september
The brown dwarf
N UA FI Ch Fidel Boheme
got his Finnish ch.-title in Turku and was BOS. Congratulations to owner/handler/groomer Elisa Ahokas.
NKK Stavanger 15. september
CC and BOB again!
BOB again! This was the nice Poodlespeciality Group Rogaland. Judge was Anita Bax from England.
Tromsø NKK 2. september
Our junior toy
Fidel Butterfly
won CC and BOB at the Int show in Stavanger.
Our dwarf Multichampion NW-10
Fidel Poker Face
was BOB.
Our min
Fidel Saba Saba
won her 4th CC out of 5 shows and became Norw. Champ.
Judge was Javier S. Fernandez.
Drammen 26. august
Brun dverghann
JCh Fidel Boheme
vant cert, CACIB og BIM i Tromsø NKK.
Brown dwarfmale
J Ch Fidel Boheme
won CC, CACIB and BOS at the Tromsø Int show. Many congratulations to owner/handler Elisa Ahokas who came the long way from Finland.😀
Drammen 25. august
Fidel Saba Saba
won CC and BOB again. Judge this day was Marie Pettersen.
Fidel Blueberry-Ice
(Ch Fidel Zic on Fire/ Magicstar Clear As Ice) won CC and was 2 Best male. Thanks to handler Jorunn Aukrust.
Fidel Butterfly
won CC, BOS and BOB junior.
Tallin 19. august
Fidel Saba Saba
(Multi Ch Fidel Lusitano/ Ch NV Fidel Corvette) won CC and BOB under judge Antonio Di Lorenzo.
Fidel Butterfly
(Multi Ch Magic Brown s Izmujinkoi Yuliany/ Int Nord Ch Fidel Firefly) won CC, BOB and was 2 Best in Show-Junior. Handled by co-owner Jorunn Aukrust.
Våler 14. juli
Fidel Corsica
was BOS at the Baltic Winner show 2012 in Tallin. Judge was Inga Siil.
As always handled ands groomed by owner Lida Prokofjeva.
NKK Trondheim 30.juni
Fidel Butterfly
vant sitt første cert og ble BIR.
Fidel Bajas On Fire
slo til på Våler igjen med cert og BIR. Gratulerer til eier/handler/turkamerat Vigdis.
Fidel Saba Saba
- Lui/Vette-datter, vant sitt første
og BIR.
Vi tok oss ikke tid til å vente på finalene, da vi var ferdig i vår ring kl 10 på morgenen.
Dommer var Wera Hûbenthal.
Mo i Rana 9. juni
At Int. show the toymale
Ch Fidel Holy Piqou
( Ch Fidel Holy Spirit/Ch Nord JW07 NordW07 Fidel Pin Up) won CC, CACIB, BOS and his championtitle. Many congrats to owner/handler Anita Vikaunet.
Rostov-On-Don 2. juni
N S Ch Fidel Hole In One
(Ch Fidel Holy Spirit/ Ch Fidel Yoko Ono) won CC, BOB and BIG 3. This made her Norw. and Swed. Champion. Congratulations to owner/handlere/groomer Eli Hjemtvedt.
NKK Drammen 3. juni
Int Multi Ch Fidel Zina
was Best In Show at Int. show in Russia.
Congratulations again to clever Natatia Mankova, handler and groomer and owner Anna Stepkina.
Solberghallen 2. juni
At Int show in Drammen Multi Ch Jasenak Volsebnajha Nocj won BOS and CACIB.
Ch Fidel Corsica
(Brittuvan`s Blaze/ Ch NW-07 Fidel Corvette) was BOB and will now become an Norw.and Int Champ with all her other titles
Fidel Butterfly
won Juniorclass and res. CC.
Nord Slov.Ch NW-10 Fidel Poker Face
was BOB and was best poodle placed Group 4.
The judge was Åge Gjetnes, Norway.
Lillesand 12. mai.
På Norsk Puddelklubbs hovedutst. ble BellosønnenCh Jasenak Volsebnaja Nocj, som kom fra Latvia, Beste hanhund og Norsk Champ.
Int Nord LV Ch NordV-05 NVV-11 Fidel Argentina
ble 3BTK og BIS Veteran😀
Toytispen Fidel Butterfly vant juniorklassen med CK og ble Junior BIS2. Handlet av medeier Jorun Aukrust.
Nord Slov Ch NV-10 Fidel Poker Face
ble BIS2.
At the biggest poodlespeciality Ch Jasenak Vosebnaja Nocj was Best male and became Norw. Champ. Sired by Int. Multi Ch Fidel Berlin u. Jasenak Back Off.
Congratulations to owner Mark Lengefer, groomer Lida Prokofjeva - Latvia and breeder Dragana Vaseljevic😀
Fidel Butterfly
won Juniorclass with CK and was Junior BIS 2. She is sired by Multi Ch. Magic Brown S Immujinkoi Yuliany u. Int Nord Ch Fidel Firefly.
Nord Slov. Ch NW-10 Fidel Poker Face
was BOB and BIS 2.
The judge was Lene K. Jacobsen, Denmark.
Finland 6. mai
Nord SLV Ch NW-10 Fidel Poker Face
won his eigths CACIB and becomes now an Int Ch. He was also BOB under judge Tiina Taulos.
Orre 5. og 6. mai
Brown dwarf male
BLR Ch Fidel Boheme
won CC and BOS.
Congratulations to owner/handler Elisa
Riga 17. mars
Toytispen Fidel Eternell vant cert og BIR første dagen på Orre. Gratuleerer til eier Kirsten😀.
N Ch Nord JV 11 Fidel Vienna
ble BIR begge dager, beste puddel første dag med sin gruppe 4-plassering.
Gratulerer til medeier og flinke handler Victoria
Litauen 10. mars
The min
Ch EUW-10 LTW-12 LVW-12
Fidel Corsica
was BOB and BIG2 at the Latvian Winnershow 2012.
The standard
Fidel Run Over
at this show.
Congratulations to both owners - Lida and Victorija😀
Bø 19. februar
Ch EUW-10 LTW-12 Fidel Corsica
became Lithuanian Champion and Lithuanian Winner 2012.
Congratulations to owner/handler/groomer Lida.😀
Hellerudsletta 5. februar
Int Ru Lit Cz Se No Ch Fidel Zina
, CACIB og BIR på Int i Bø. Dommer var Knut Sigurd Wilberg og handler/groomer som vanlig Natalia Mankova. Zina kom den lange veien fra Russland hvor hun bor. Dommer var Knut Sigurd Wilberg.
Int Ru Cz Swed No Ch Fidel Zina
(Ch Fidel Zic On Fire/ Nord Ch Fidel Yatzy) won CC, CACIB and BOB at Int show in Bø, Norway. She came the long way from Russia. Congratulations to owner Anna Stepkina and handler/groomer Natalia Mankova.
The judge was Knut Sigurd Wilberg.
Brno 4. februar
Brune storpuddelhannen
Lord Leopold von der Block`s Hütte
som jeg viste vant cert og BIM under dommer Georg Schogol.
Gratulerer til eier Sandra Horten.🙂
Ogre 29. januar
Int Multich. Fidel Zina
ble BIM i Brno i dag.
Int Multich. Fidel Zina
won CC, CACIB and BOS in Brno today.
Congratulations to Anna and handler/groomer Natasja
Moskva 24. januar
Ch Jasenak Volsebnaja Nocj
ble BIS2 på gruppe-9 utst. Dommer var Ligita Zake. Handler/groomer som vanlig Lida, eier er Mark, begge fra Latvia.
The handsome son of
Int Mutichamp Fidel Berlin
Ch Jasenak Volsebnaja Nocj
become BIS 2 at Group 9-show inder judge Ligita Zake.
Congratulations to owner Mark and groomer/handler Lida.😀
Gøteborg 7. januar.
Int Multi Ch Fidel Zina
(Ch Fidel Zic On Fire/ Nord Ch
Fidel Yatzy)
was rBIS at All Breed-show!
Congratulations to owner Anna and groomer/handler Natalia.
Leto 30. desember
Int Nord Lv Ch NordV05 NVV11 Fidel Argentina
ble BIM og beste mellomveteran på Mydog i dag. Dommer var Anki Johansson.
Int Nord LV Ch NordW05 NVW11 Fidel Argentina
became BOS an best miniature veteran at Int Show in Gothenburg. The judge was Anki Johansson.
Blackmail Beatrice of Poodlux
, en ung sort toytispe, vant sitt 3. cert og BIR for dommer Dagmar Klein.
Gratulerer til eier og handler Helge Borgen 😀
Latvia 18. desember
Int Nord Lv Ch NordV05 NVV11 Fidel Argentina
ble BIR på årets siste utst.
Dommer var Dagmar Klein, Romenia.
Lillestrøm 26. november
Ch Fidel Corsica
har vært på sin siste utst. i år og ble BIR og BIG4 på gruppe 9-show i Latvia. Dommer var K. Butrimova.
Ch Fidel Corsica
was BOB and BIG4 at her last show this year. The judge was K. Butrimova.
She is also the Miniature of the Year 2011.
Many congrats to owner/handler/groomer Lida Prokofjeva.
J Ch Fidel Run Over
is the Standard of the
Year 2011
, also in Latvia.
Many congrats to owner/handler/groomer Victorija Smelova.
Russland 26. november
Our brown dwarf
N S Ch NVV-11 Fidel Peek A Booh
became best veteran at the Norw. Winner.
The same with the min
Int Nord LV Ch NordW-05 NVV-11
Fidel Argentina
Estland 6., november
Yuvelirnaya Rabota Ot Gospoji Pananoi
ble Best in Show på utst. for alle raser.
Sochi 24./25. september
J Ch Fidel Run Over
vant cert, CACIB, BIR og BIG2 på int. utst. i Estland.
J Ch Fidel Run Over
won CC, CACIB, BOB and BIG2 at Int. show in Estonia.
Congratulations to owner/handler/groomer Victorija Smelova.