Adult Show Results (2008-2017)
Moss 18. september
Int Multi Ch Fidel Zina
(Ch Fidel Zic on Fire/ Nord Ch Fidel Yatzy) became res Best In Show at the Poodle Speciality and Best In Show at the All Breed-show in her hometown Sochi, Russia.
Congratulations and big thanks to handler/groomer Natalia Mankova and owner Anna Stepkina.
NKK Stavanger 11. sept.
Fidel Holiday
won CC again and BOS. Nicely handled by owner Karin.
The judge was Francesco Cochetti, Italy.
Sandnes gr. Rogaland 10. sept.
Multi Ch Magic Brown s Izmujinkoi Yuliany
won CACIB and BOS. Lovely handled by Linn Elise.
Nord JV-10 Fidel Vienna
won another CC, CACIB and BOS.
Drammen 4. september
The brown junior dwarf
Fidel Big Bob
won CC. Congratulations to owner/handler Øistein.🙂
The min
Nord JV-10 Fidel Vienna
won CC.
Judge was Karen Patterson, England.
Drammen 3. september
Den unge
Fidel Holiday
(Ch Fidel Holy Spirit/ Ch Fidel Yoko Ono) vant sitt første cert i dag og ble BIR. Gratulerer så mye til eier Karin Bruvold som gjorde alt selv på utst.
The young
Fidel Holiday
won her first CC today and also became BOB.
Riga 20. august
was BOB today under Ana Mesto Martin, Spain.
Oslo 20. august
The standard
J Ch Fidel Run Over
was BOB at the 9 group-show.
The min
Ch EUW-10 Fidel Corsica
was BIS 2!
Congratulations to the owners
Our junior toy male
Fidel Blueberry-Ice
won CC at Crufts-quali-show.
Our junior min-bitch
Fidel Saba Saba
won res. CC.
Nord Ch NV-10 Fidel Poker Face
was BOB.
His mother
S N Ch Fidel Peek A Booh
was Best veteran and 4th Best Female.
This was under the PCA-judge James Reynhold from Canada.
Mosjøen 13./14. august.
J Ch Fidel Run Over
did it again! CC, CACIB
BOB and BIG 2 in Russia.
Congratulations to owner/handler Viktoria Smelova.😀
Finland 13./14. august
The toy female
Fidel Hole In One
(Ch Fidel Holy Spirit/ Ch Fidel Yoko Ono) won again CCs last weekend. First day she was BOB and BIG 1. Judge was Tino Pehar. Second day under judge Åke Cronander she was BOB and BIG 2. Congratulations to owner Eli Hjemgård.
Karmøy 31. juli
Brown dwarf male
Fidel Boheme
won 2 CAC last weekend in Finland. Judges were Jakub Kruczek and Paula Heikinnen-Lehkonen. Congratulations to owner Elisa Ahokas 🙂
Trondheim 2. juli
Brune dverghannen
Fidel Big Bob
er nå junior og vant cert og BIR.
Gratulerer så mye til
eierne Berit og Øistein Asheim
København juni
Fidel Blueberry-Ice
won the Juniorclass and was 4. Best Male.
NordJW-10 Fidel Vienna
won the Intermediateclass, the CC and second best female.
Our veteran
N S Ch Fidel Peek A Booh
was 4. in Best female-class and BIS 4 Veteran at this Int show!
Solberghallen 5. juni.
LV Slov DK Ch EUW-10 EstW-11 KbhW-11 Fidel Corsica
became Danish Ch. and was the best poodle at the Copenhagen Winner-show by the BIG 2 placement.
Ukraina 29. mai
N S Ch Fidel Peek A Booh
debuterte som veteran og ble Beste Veteran på Norsk Puddelklubbs hovedutst.
Hennes sønn
Nord Slov. Ch NV-10 Fidel Poker Face
ble Beste Ikke-sorte Puddel der hvor finalen sto mellom de to!
Nord JV-10 Fidel Vienna
vant storcertet igjen!
Finland 28. mai
J Ch Fidel Run Over
was BOB, BIG and Best in Show in Ukrania.
Congratulations to owner/handler Viktorija 😀
Piteå 22. mai
N Fin Balt Ch Fidel Lusitano
became BOB, BIG and Best in Show Runner Up!
Finland 15. mai
Sorte toytispen
Fidel Hole In One
(Ch Fidel Holy Spirit/ Ch Fidel Yoko Ono) vant nok et
og ble BIM i Sverige.
Gratulerer til eier Eli Hjemgård.
Kristiandsand 8. mai
N Balt UA Ch Fidel Lusitano
won CC and the Finnish Championtitle.
Congratulations to handler Tiina
and owner Julie.
Hillerød 7. mai
Nord JV-10 Fidel Vienna
won another CC at the Int. show under judge Tino Pehar.
Congratulations to co-owner/handler Victoria.
Nord SI Ch NV-10 Fidel Poker Face
was BOS when he won CC, CACIB and got the Danish and Nord Championtitle.
Sunndalsøra 1. mai
My toybitch
In Nord Ch Fidel Firefly
acchieved her good titles in Denmark. She was also BOS. Judge was Kurt Nilsson.
Letohallen 30. april og 1.mai
Fidel Holy Piqou
vant cert og BIR i dag.
Gratulerer til eier/handler Anita
Orre 30. april
Fidel Buyer on Fire
begge dager i Letohallen.
Dommer første dag var Tarmo Viirtelä, og andre dag Åke Cronander.
Gratulerer til eier/handler Vigdis
Latvia 16. april
Nord JV-10 Fidel Vienna
vant cert, BIR og BIG 2. Gratulerer til medeier og handler Victoria. 😀
Og Zico-.sønnen
Preciosa Little Elliot
vant cert og BIR.
Gratulerer eier Kirsten og handler Sissel.
Kroatia 11. april
The standard
J Ch Fidel Run Over
became BOB at the poodle special i Latvia. Judge was Bruno Nodalli.
Ch EuW-10 Fidel Corsica
was BOS.
And Bello-son
Ch Jasenak Volsebnaja Nocj
was Best in Show.
Congratulations to you all.
Os 11. april
Fidel Castro
debuterte som junior og vant cert og BIR. Dommer var Stefan Dimitrijevic.
The min
Fidel Castro
made his debut as junior winning CAC and BOB.
Congratulations to owner/groomer/handler Sanja
Bergen 10. april
Nord JV-10 Fidel Vienna
vant cert på gr. Vestlandets utst.
N S Slov. Ch NV-10 Fidel Poker Face
på denne utst. Dommer var Lorena Merati.
Riga 27. mars
Multi Ch Magic Brown S Izjuminkoi Yuliany
vant cert, CACIB og BIR på Int. i Bergen og ble dermed norsk Ch.
Flink handler/groomer var igjen Linn Elise.
Eurasia 26. mars
Corsica BIS 2.
LithW-11 20. mars
Zina became BOB at Eurasia, biggest show in Russia!
Riga 18. mars
Fidel Lusitano
became Lithuanian Champion and LithuanianWinner 2011. He is now Norw., Blr. and Baltic Ch.
Congrats to owner Julie and groomer/handler Lida.
Gøteborg 12. mars
At last show in Riga
the standard
J Ch Fidel Run Over
became Latv. Junior Champion
and BOB.
Lots of congrats to owner/handler Viktorija
Estland 6. mars
N Ch Fidel C/o Piqou
var i Sverige for første gang og ble Svensk champion
på puddelspesial i Gøteborg.
Handler var medoppdretter Gro. Gratulerer til, eier Kari Martinsen.
NKK Bø 19. februar
N UA LV Ch Fidel Lusitano
ble Estlandsk Ch. og BIM i dag.
Ch EUW-10 Fidel Corsica
ble BIR.
N UA LV Ch Fidel Lusitano
Estonian Ch
. and BOS today.
Ch EuW-10 Fidel Corsica
was BOB.
Congratulation Lida for excellent work.
Letohallen 13. februar
Fidel C/O Piqou
vant cert og ble norsk champion.
Dommer var Svein Helgesen.
Gratulerer til eier Kari Martinsen.
Fidel C/O Piqou
won CC and became Norw. Champion
at Int. show
Ølen 12. februar
NV-10 Slov Ch Fidel Poker Face
ble også norsk og svensk champion på sin første utstilling etter fyllte 2 år.
Dommer var Rainer Vuorinen.
NV-10 Fidel Nicole
ble Norsk og også dermed svensk champion på sin første utstilling etter fyllte 2 år. Hun ble ogfså BIM.
Gratulerer så mye til eier/handler/klipper Linn Elise.😀
The standard male
LT J Ch Fidel Run Over
was Best Junior, BOB and became Junior Champion, first time shown in Junior-class.
Judge was V. Verbitsky.
Congratulations to owner/handler Viktorija.
Riga 23. januar 2011
The Bello-son
Ch Jasenak Volsebnaja Nocj
won the Russian Championtitle and was BIS 2 at the Poodle Nat. show in St.Petersburg.
Congratulations to breeder Dragana, handler Yulija, groomer Lida and owner Mark.😀
Ch EuW-10 Fidel Corsica
was BOB and BIG 4 today at nationalshow in Riga.
Congratulations owner/handler/groomer Lida
Vilnius 18. & 19. desember
The toy RU LV J Ch Fidel Zina won CC, CACIB both days, was BOB first day and BOS second day.
The dwarf bitch NW-10 Fidel Nicole won CACIB first day and CC, CACIB and BOS second day.
The dwarf maleSlv Ch NW-10 Fidel Poker Face won CC second day.
The toy bitch Ch Fidel Fire Up won the Open class with CK second day.
Riga 12. desember
RU J LT Ch FinV-09
Fidel Zina
(Ch Fidel Zic On Fire/ Nord Ch Fidel Yatzy)
wins CC, CACIB, BOB, BIG and
Best in Showagain! At International Show 1. day in Lithuania.
2. day she almost repeted herself: CC, Lith. Champ, CACIB, BOB, BIG and
Runner Up
Best in Show
Handler/groomer was Natalia Mankova.
St.Petersburg 4. november
Ch Edelweiss s Tsvetochnoi Polyani
became BOB in Riga.
Moskva 28. november
Ch Fidel Zina
won CACIB at the Int.show
At the poodle Speciality she was BOB and R BIS.
Congratulations to owner Anna Stepkina and handler/groomer Natalia Mankova.
Ch Ezhevika s Tsvetochnoj Polynai
won her last CACIB for the International Championtit
Congratulations to owner/breeder/handler/groomer Olga Archipova, Russia.
Dogs4all 28. november
The Spitfire-daughter
RU J Ch Jutana Infanta Nezhnostj Ljubvi
was BOB and BIS 2 at the Poodle National in Moscow.
Congratulations to owner, breeder, handler and groomer.